Ashland - Well it started to look good as the clouds broke away, but then Boom as they began the fireworks. Ashland City Mayor Matt Miller said; " As long there is an open window, we are having our fireworks." But of course, Mother Nature proved that wrong, as she did not hold off on that promise too long. This was the first year to have the fireworks shot off at the Freer Field, due to one of them being new safety reasons, and the second one was they were remodeling the baseball field as well per the Ashland City School District.
Also, the Ohio State Fire Marshal said there were not enough safety regulations in place to shoot them off, so they had to find a place big enough if they wanted to shoot off bigger shells so more space would be needed. So that is why Freer Field was decided to be the place to set off this year's fireworks. Also just to give everyone a heads-up, you will hear some crackling noise in the video, that is the rain hitting the mic cover on the video cover, also I tried my best to take the video even though it was pouring down the rain. And I hope a lot of you would appreciate the video and enjoy it as much as I did recording it for you all even though I got soaked lol.
Plus I would like to Thank, Ashland City Mayor Matt Miller, and Melanie Miller, an the Ashland Rotary Club, and other awesome sponsors who donated their hard money for the awesome fireworks display this year, thank you all so much, and I truly can not wait until next years